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Program Certificates

Вы выбираете одну из предложенных нашим центром разработанных SPA программ, которая отвечает критериям пола, возраста, предпочтениям реципиента, а также требованиям бюджета. Предложенные SPA пакеты с красивыми говорящими названиями позволят Вам быстро и безошибочно определиться с подарком.

Massage potpourri
6500 RUR

Massage potpourri

(service for men & women / 1 h 30 min )

If you think that you know everything about massage, you are wrong. You will get acquainted with wonderful rituals of exclusive massage techniques. Massage has considerable health improving effect on the entire body; it is a good way to prevent and cure various diseases, to harmonize physical and emotional condition. The offered massage menu will satisfy even the most exquisite expectations.


Turkish hammam
6500 RUR

Turkish hammam

(service for men & women / 1 h )

Hammam is a traditional oriental steam bath based on the philosophy of physical purification and emotional relaxation. It is a favorite place for both men and woman and regarded as an integral part of the oriental culture. The key objective of steam bath is complete relaxation and detoxification of the entire body. The thermal therapeutic procedure enhances body defenses and slows down the ageing process. High temperature and humid steam improves the activity of the cardio-vascular and capillary system, lowers muscular tone, opens pores and promotes active detoxification.


Spa-program «Energy of Life»
10000 RUR

Spa-program «Energy of Life»

(service for men & women / 2 hours)

This SPA-program is based on the traditional Eastern treatments of hammam and regenerative massage techniques. Thermo-therapy procedure slows down ageing processes, under the high temperature and wet steam the operation of cardiovascular system and capillarity improves, muscular tonus decreases, pores are open, and the active detoxification takes place. Turkish hammam is followed by mechanical manual peeling done with the traditional Kessa mitten. Regenerative body massage saves from depression and chronic tiredness, removes nervous and muscular tension. Tea ceremony allows to enjoy fantastic features of the vivifying drink and to restore body water balance.


SPA – program “Royal luxury”
10500 RUR

SPA – program “Royal luxury”

(service for women / 2 hours)

This SPA-program which includes body and face care is aimed at restoration of physical and emotional balance of an organism. Pearl hydro-massage bath with sea salt and algae will provide bright stimulation of activity and help toxins withdrawal out of the organism. Face care in compliance with a skin type provided on one of the cosmetology line of de-luxe class with classic massage of face and décolleté zone/forearms will give you a sense of relief from fatigue and restoration of face skin structure thus bringing it fresh and well-cared-for look.


SPA – program «Aphrodite»
10500 RUR

SPA – program «Aphrodite»

(service for women / 1 h 30 min )

There were many legends composed about goddess Aphrodite beauty. Spa – program «Aphrodite» is a hymn to unfading beauty and attractiveness of a woman. The basis of this Spa – program is the exclusive properties of aroma oils of hydro-massage bath as well as the exclusive technique facial hyromassage created by the famous expert of the Spanish massage school Enrike Castels Garsia. As a result of the complex influence on the face and body the microcirculation is improved, skin elasticity and the visible lifting effect are reached. You are as beautiful as Aphrodite!!!


10700 RUR


(service for for women / 2 hours 30 minutes )

В этом спа-путешествии  Вы испытаете полное расслабление и ощутите восстановление жизненных сил и энергии. Вас ожидает  распаривание в хаммаме и  расслабляющий массаж тела на ароматерапевтическом масле с экстрактами экзотических цветов и растений.  На ваш выбор предлагаются различные масла с чувственными ароматами ладана, мускуса и ванили / тиаре и алое  вера / лотоса и франжипани . Укладка волос или маникюр на ваш выбор завершит программу.


Spa-program «Men's Health»
11700 RUR

Spa-program «Men's Health»

(service for men / 2 h )

Clear mind, free and flexible body, surge of vital energy and overwhelming excitement: that is what you will feel after you experience our program developed especially for men.


Kleopatra secret
11800 RUR

Kleopatra secret

(service for women / 2 h)

О красоте царицы Клеопатры сложены легенды! Мы знаем как добиться эффекта красоты и преображения всего за пару часов. Гидромассажная ванна, обогащённая минералами морского прохождения, полуторачасовой расслабляющий массаж на тающем моделирующем воске и одновременный экспресс уход за лицом подарят Вам ухоженный и отдохнувший вид. Вы будете прекрасны как Клеопатра!


Ayurvedic ritual «Shirodhara»
12000 RUR

Ayurvedic ritual «Shirodhara»

(service for men & women / 2 h )

«Shirodhara» is the process of pouring of sesame oil on the third-eye area of the forehead. It helps eliminate pain and muscular tension in the neck, head and shoulders, heals insomnia, stress, depression and chronic fatigue, it stimulates deep brain centers that produce endorphins, hormones of happiness. This ritual is traditionally used to take away tension and pain in the face, neck, head and shoulders, eliminate insomnia and stress and release fine energies that help calm down the mind and make it more lucid. This ritual is accompanied by head and shoulders massage.


Spa-program «Green Tea»
12500 RUR

Spa-program «Green Tea»

(service for men & women / 2 hours)

Green Tea


Spa-program «Wild Rose»
12500 RUR

Spa-program «Wild Rose»

(service for women / 2 hours)

Wild Rose


13500 RUR


(service for men and women / 2 h)

В основу этой спа программы положены две прекрасно зарекомендовавшие себя методики оздоровления: тёплая парафинотерапия в сочетании с талассотерапией. Вас ожидает деликатное очищение кожи морским солевым пилингом, подводный ручной гидромассаж в ванне с морской солью и водорослями, и тёплое парафиновое обертывание с водорослями. Под воздействием тёплого парафина водорослевой маски увеличивается температура тела, в результате чего усиливается приток крови, происходит улучшение обменных процессов и вывод лишней жидкости из организма. В результате такого комплексного ухода происходит усиление лимфодренажа и активная детоксикация, полное расслабление и улучшение качества кожи.


Softer than silk
13500 RUR

Softer than silk

(service for women / 2 h 30 min)

Нежнее шёлка! Именно так будет выглядеть ваша кожа после этой спа программы. Вас ожидает нежный гоммаж тела шёлковым воском с кристалами морской соли, обертывание маской с экстрактами хлопка и алое и расслабляющий массаж тела на моделирующем нежном воске с чарующим ароматом.


Spa-program «SPA for two»
14500 RUR

Spa-program «SPA for two»

(service for men & women / 2 h )

It is so nice to share pleasure and delight with someone close to you. This Spa-program is elaborated especially for this purpose. Being in hammam together, having a simultaneous massage and a tea ceremony just for two will allow enjoying communication with each other and rituals of beauty and health.


Spa – program «Magic Elixir»
14600 RUR

Spa – program «Magic Elixir»

(service for men & women / 3 h )

This SPA program is based on the unique properties of the aroma-therapeutic complex and relaxing massage techniques. Delicate body peeling ensures deep cleaning of the skin, hydro massage bath with relaxing aroma-therapeutic complex together with anti-stress massage techniques will relieve you from stress and fatigue, bring your psycho-emotional state into harmony, and promote rehabilitation of your mental and physical capacities.


Flower aromagiya
14800 RUR

Flower aromagiya

(service for for women / 3 hours )

Два самых ценных сокровища природы -  цветы лотоса и франжипани  положены в основу этого ароматерапевтического спа-ухода.  В этом спа-путешествии  Вас ожидает распаривание в хаммаме,  гоммаж  тела из пудры риса и кокоса, расслабляющий  массаж тела на питательном масле с цветочным ароматом. Завершит уход укладка волос или маникюр на ваш выбор.


14800 RUR


(service for for women / 3 hours )

Живительные свойства шелковых цветов Тиаре, бамбука и Алоэ вера стали основой для роскошного спа-ухода, в результате которого кожа остается  восхитительно нежной,  очень увлажненной с чувственным ароматом тропических растений.  В этом спа-путешествии  Вас ожидает распаривание в хаммаме,  бамбуковый гоммаж  тела и расслабляющий  массаж тела на  масле с чувственным цветочным ароматом тиаре. Завершит уход укладка волос или маникюр на ваш выбор.


Mystic East
14800 RUR

Mystic East

(service for for women / 3 hours )

Мистический аромат на основе мускуса, ладана и ванили, погружает в атмосферу магии Востока, элегантности и чувственности… В этом спа-путешествии Вас ожидает распаривание в хаммаме, гоммаж тела из сахарного тростника, расслабляющий ароматерапевтический массаж тела. Завершит уход укладка волос или маникюр на ваш выбор.


Spa-program «Sultan»
15500 RUR

Spa-program «Sultan»

(service for men / 3 h 30 min)

Oriental care program «Sultan» developed specially for men will guide you through an unforgettable voyage to countries of the East. You will enjoy ancient oriental beauty rituals and forget about time. Oriental steam bath, gommage with aroma-salt body peeling and ninety minute massage allow you to get rid of stress and fell complete physical and emotional relaxation.


 Spa-program «Scheherazade»
15500 RUR

Spa-program «Scheherazade»

(service for women / 3 h 30 min)

Mythical beauty of Scheherazade and the magic of Arabic Nights full of oriental mystery and sensuality is where this exquisite spa-program was born. Oriental steam bath, gommage with aroma-salt body peeling and ninety minute relaxing massage allow you to get rid of stress and fell complete physical and emotional relaxation. During this program you will feel like an oriental queen.


«Anti-stress and Detoxification» Spa Program
15500 RUR

«Anti-stress and Detoxification» Spa Program

(service for men & women / 3 h)

This program is dedicated to the citizens of megapolis. The other side of the coin living in megapolis can be stress, poor environment and considerable emotional and physical strains. The spa program provides effective detoxification of the entire body and harmonization of the emotional state. The program involves stage-by-stage complex use of steam bath, body peeling and mineral wrapping with marine concentrates and relaxing regenerating massage.


Spa-program «HIMALAII»
16000 RUR

Spa-program «HIMALAII»

(service for men & women / 3 часа)



16000 RUR


(service for women / 3 часа)



16000 RUR


(service for women / 3 h )

Bali is called “the Isle of Gods”, as a symbol of luxurious grandeur and incredible variety of colours and landscapes. Most exotic and diverse flowers blossom there  at the foot of mountains and volcanoes. Fascinating fragrances and qualities of lotus flowers and frangipani make the basis of this spa treatment.  «La Sultane de Saba» selected two most precious treasures of the island nature to create this line, consisting of products that perfectly reflect the Balinesian beauty ritual.  In this journey you will experience: hammam steaming with application of black soap, Lullur body gommage scrub, shea butter mask wrapping and relaxing aroma oil massage with lotus and frangipani fragrance.


16000 RUR


(service for women / 3 часа)

Tahiti, Bora-Bora, Moorea are enchanting islands of French Polynesia in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, with unique culture, infinite blue sky and lush flora. The island plants generously give their vitality, energy and beauty to aboriginal people. Silk tiare flowers that blossom all year round and Aloe Vera – a wonderful flower with one thousand and one properties – have made the basis for a product line endowed with the charm and luxury of beauty rituals of the French Polynesian islands. In this spa journey, you will experience: hammam steaming with application of black soap, body gommage scrub, shea butter mask wrapping, and relaxing one-hour aroma oil massage with tiare flowers and aloe vera fragrance.


16000 RUR


(service for women / 3 hours)

The Journey to India line was inspired by the legend of Jagat Singh, well-known governor of Udaipur, who was a descendant of the Sun God and built a luxurious white marble temple on the shore of the lake of Pichola, in honour of his favourites – the most beautiful women of Asia and the East. The mystic fragrance based on musk, incense and vanilla creates the atmosphere of legendary royal nights in the moonlight, under the sign of love, elegance and voluptuousness… In this spa journey, you will experience hammam steaming with application of black soap, body gommage scrub, shea butter mask wrapping, and relaxing one-hour aroma oil massage with the fragrance of musk, incense and vanilla.


Slim silhouette
16500 RUR

Slim silhouette

(service for women / 3 h)

Эта комплексная спа - программа направлена на улучшение контуров тела и уменьшение объёмов. В основе программы положено поэтапное воздействие на организм гидромассажной ванны с концентратом водорослей, солевого пилинга и моделирующего водорослевого обертывания, а также лимфодренажного массажа на термоактивном креме. В результате ухода контуры тела приобретают желаемый стройный силуэт и грацию.


Blue Lagoon
16500 RUR

Blue Lagoon

(service for men & women / 3 h)

Blue Lagoon


SPA treatment - Queen’s Ritual
19000 RUR

SPA treatment - Queen’s Ritual

(service for woman / 3 hours 15 minutes )

This is a luxurious beauty ritual enveloped with an air of voluptuousness and contentment. We are inviting you to take a journey where exclusive cosmetics and complex facial and body care will reveal to you the wizardly magic of the Queen’s secret. You will experience immersion into a hydromassage milk bath, aromatic salt gommage and relaxing body massage, as well as facial treatment in accordance with your skin type.


Ayurvedic rejuvenating therapy
21500 RUR

Ayurvedic rejuvenating therapy

(service for men & women / 3 h 30 min)

Rejuvenating therapy is the world's oldest scientific system of body detoxification and readjustment. It can be used as a health improvement, external beauty restoration and medical treatment program. This procedure was traditionally performed during transitional seasons in order to remove toxins accumulated in the body. It can also be a great and fresh starting point of your new healthy lifestyle. The program consists of several stages and includes amazing rituals based on ancient knowledge and experience of Ayurveda.


SPA – program «You and I»
29800 RUR

SPA – program «You and I»

(service for men & women / 3 hours)

It is so pleasant to share the pleasure and delight with your loved man. This Spa- program is designed specifically for this purpose. Being together in the hammam, delicate body peeling and remineralisation marine body wrapping, simultaneous massage and tea ceremony for two will allow you to enjoy each other's company and rituals of beauty and health.


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